Property & Asset  Management

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The Real Estate Management industry continues to evolve as greater skill sets are required from smaller teams. Technology and education are a driving force to ‘do more with less.’ The merging of tasks and skills of Property Management and Asset Management has given Colonial Commercial Realty the opportunity to outperform many competitors.  

With Property Management, we respond to the daily management needs of properties and tenants, facilitate necessary subcontractors, construct short and long term budgeting, and assist other members of the property team.

With Asset Management, Colonial Commercial Realty will provide oversight of the Property Manager, Leasing Agent, Lender, and other members of the asset team. The Owner’s long-term objectives are the primary concerns, and we possess the skills to make recommendations based on market conditions to seek optimal asset performance.



Colonial Commercial Realty manages a portfolio of property for owners, developers, and associations. Property types include office, retail, mixed-use property, multi-family, and single-family residential properties. This service includes management all aspects of the property including: maintenance, repairs, administration, reporting, communications, capital improvements, preventative measures, and more.